Saving the World

A Step by Step Fifty Year Plan for Saving the World By David Spoey

Monday, July 11, 2005

Things to Remember

NT- Networked Transport
CID- Converging Information Device
BIB- Body Interaction Bracelet

The goal of human society and technology is life. Extending, improving, benefitting, assisting, simplying, and nourishing life. The key words of the new form of government: choice, rational, progressive, and happy. We should make people want to be part of human society.
Laws: The only true crime is violence. The justice system must concentrate on preserving human life.
Politics: The federal government has become a debt-ridden pool of imaginary money. It has a $7 trillion debt. Politics must take its example of business by having long term and short term goals. Government is ideally a system of businesses dedicated to providing for the citizenry.
Economics: The unbridled form of corporate capitalism destroying the environment and human equality must be moderated with a sustainable model of capitalism. It is beneficial to nationalize specific industries to ensure crucial societal needs are fulfilled, such as health care, transport,
Taxes: The only tax should be on consumption. We must eliminate the confused system of taxes and replace it with a flat tax of 22% on all sales, providing over a trillion dollars per year in the United States to run government.
Money: With the knowledge of our society, it is possible to meet everyone's needs and wants. Money needs to become stable and inclusive. The money which the rich spend on building fences could provide for a hundred American families. The rings on the Pope's fingers could feed thousands of children in Africa.
Democracy: With the new information superhighway, everyone may participate in government. Therefore a cyberocracy shall permit each citizen to contribute instantly.
Information: With the digital revolution, it costs nothing to copy and disseminate information. Knowledge is like a candle. You can either hoard it for yourself, or you can light others' candles. Our society must choose to liberate the freeing power of information.
Transport: Networked transportation shall replace autmobiles and cars. Here's a quick summary: On top of the existing roadways, an electromagnetic rail system will replace fossil fuel driven cars. Our multipurpose vehicles shall be built of lightweight durable polymers, with an electric motor. The electric motor could be used when not on the rail system. A set of vacuum tubes above the rail system shall transport any amount of goods at supersonic speeds.
Media: The CID (Converging Information Device) allows human society
Energy: We are made of energy. Our energy policy must be based on sustainability and efficiency. Harvesting the wind flux in the upper atmosphere could provide electrical energy for all of society.